Participating in social networks like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter etc... is fantastic, but you need to be incredibly disciplined and focused, that you don't begin to allow the network to swallow you and your valuable time. It was all fun in the beginning to find old school mates, lost girlfriends, and as time passed by... I had more friend requests pouring in and even Facebook suggests you friends frequently...so I just opted to adding adding and adding more friends, and as i built my network, my news feed became bigger n busier... Now bigger is my news feed and bigger is the noise-to-signal ratio... More news creates more noise!!! More noise, less Clarity or no Clarity. This news feed now seems to me like a tsunami.
As I login to my homepage... it would be full of gossips, ched chads, masala and what not....
Someone likes a photo, someone dislikes a comment...
Someone is crying and a Newborn is smiling...
Someone is saying poetry, some others behind poultry...
Sometimes it's fighting and most of the time it's friendship... Friendship with people whom we never can meet, or say never intend to.
But still I would check the site many more times a day to find something new and interesting... Now i become a free version of human spam filter to parse through the news feed tsunami and find what is important/usefull and what is not. Most of the times everything seemed absolute garbage to me... And by any chance, do I find a usefull piece/post... I would immediately comment on it or click on like... And in most cases people found my comments to be absolute garbage... What you give is what you take after all... Ha Ha Haaaa
In this event of processing my news feed... Suddenly i would notice a chat window pop n say..hi dude, wazzup??? Followed by a smiley... Then have lots of “shallow” interaction with him involving some alien language to me... Like ciao, wateva, WTF, omg, gr8, b4, LOLz, gudn8... Which needs a hell lot of time for interpretation...
Now am stuck here, as I question my self... am i a debugger or a compiler???
Finally, I have found myself posting updates and photos just to see what other people think or have to say, just to get their reactions. And why do I need a reaction or a reaction to reactions... am not RGV!!!
For instance if i posted a pic of my daughter... people would obviously comment something good like nice pic, cute baby, nice smile, wow superb photo... or rather I would expect them to. Then why should I care about the reactions which are quite obvious?

Now Facebook and Twitter have become a synonym for my life... Every little thing I do was posted, and I used to grab those reactions... It's become a habit to open the browser with two stacked windows of each site... And now as I get away from the system even for a while... I find myself tapping those apps for Facebook and Twitter on my iPhone. I find myself very much addicted and busy to filter spam, debug everyones' posts, compile those chat shortcuts, grab those reactions, welcome some dislikes, take those pokes' n pinches'... And guess what, when I was browsing through my photo album.... Was actually looking out for the like button... ha ha haaaa... and so, I thought it's enough.
Too much of tweeting even got me the habit of adding to .... !!!!! ????? :-) :-( :-D to every possible line... Be it an SMS or a Formal letter or even a Business Agreement.
My meaning for punctuation has become unusual.
Finally to put it simple... Facebook made me an open book and Twitter transformed me into a bird... singing wrong songs at wrong places all the time... So now am glad that I have put an end to this singing...