My love for you will never die...
you are my day, you are my night
you are my reality, you are my dream
you are my desire, you are my aversion
you are my question, you are my answer
you are my pleasure, you are my treasure
you give me peace, you are my everyday war
you are my performance booster
you are the perfect balancer
without you am not complete
i hold you when am happy, i hold you when am sad
i know you will kill me someday... but...
My love for you will never die
my love "GOLD FLAKE" i love you
you are my day, you are my night
you are my reality, you are my dream
you are my desire, you are my aversion
you are my question, you are my answer
you are my pleasure, you are my treasure
you give me peace, you are my everyday war
you are my performance booster
you are the perfect balancer
without you am not complete
i hold you when am happy, i hold you when am sad
i know you will kill me someday... but...
My love for you will never die
my love "GOLD FLAKE" i love you

As a smoker, I have spent years dreaming of the day I'll finally be able to stub out that last cigarette and start living a life free of nicotine addiction. At the same time, I was so afraid to quit... to actually take that step that means I am done with smoking. Life without my cigarettes was scary to contemplate. Every time I light a cigarette, I said to myself "I'm about to quit smoking. I have one last cigarette left, and after I smoke this last one, that's it." Even though I was looking forward to quitting, the most prevalent emotion I felt was fear. And as i try to put my fear into words, the thoughts that come to mind are:
What am I going to do without my cigarettes?
What am I going to do if I can't/don't smoke?
Many times I have made a serious commitment to quit smoking, more than likely, the count was in multiples of tens! But I have been puffing non-stop, day in and day out. As I try to analyze the fact that beholds me from quitting... the answer lies in the insidious nature of nicotine addiction. Over time, since I developed this habit of smoking, it weaved it's way through all the activities in my life, I even think I can't be happy and productive without a cigarette. I always tell myself that I'll quit next week, next month, by the end of the year....and so on.... All the while, time marches on and I am no where closer to quitting!
Every Saturday before going home, I light up a cigarette and say this is my last one, and will quit by Monday as I'll be inaccessible to cigarettes at home... But when I return to work on Monday, I light it up again and think of quitting by next monday. I have been building 52 opportunities a year to quit and start smoking. Everyone including my friends, family and my doctor and even the picture on the pack tell me why i shouldn't smoke, and how bad it is for my health. I even googled for some quit smoking tips and tried to follow... but it's a tough path to follow. I guess the newton's theory worked, every action of mine to quit smoking bounced back equally making our bond more stronger.
Finally after so many fruitless, sorry sorry smokeless efforts, i have put an end to everything and decided not to quit smoking. Everybody knows the adverse effects of smoking, but there are still millions of smokers around the globe. Every smoker comes up with thousands of reasons not to quit. mine is just simple, i don't quit... sorry sorry i can't quit, wouldn't it be more appropriate? Now is it only the nicotine addiction that's holding me from quitting, if not... there should be something more than just the addiction, thinking all this, i have googled for the benefits of smoking... very very funny idea though!
"Here are My Top 10 reasons for smoking"
1) Smoking Relieves Stress
This is one common thing, most smokers say
2) Smoking Relaxes Your Breathing
The way you breathe when you smoke helps your body relax and calm down. Relaxation breathing involves taking a deep breath into the lungs and holding it in for a second or two before exhaling. This is exactly like the act of smoking.
3) Smoke Breaks - Calm You Down
If you go outside for smoke breaks, this simple act can really help you with your stress. Say if you’re in a fight or close to the deadline on major project.
4) You get a break from your stressor
5) You get into the open, every 30 mins.
Good for me and my back as i work on a computer all day
6) You leave the stressful environment
7) You have time to think about your problems from an objective point of view
8) Nicotine is an Anxiety and Depression Medication
The nicotine in cigarettes is also a major factor of stress relief. Nicotine is a chemical which mildly and temporarily stops the feelings of anxiety and depression.
9) Cigarettes are a great form of self medication.
10) Cigarettes are a great source of pleasure.
Many say Smoking kills, its even written on the pack...
Now is the time to confess to my dearest parents, family and friends who strongly want me to quit smoking... I am sorry to say, but i cannot quit, and i will never promise you that I will do so, as i have realized the fact that I can't stop myself for falling prey for it... rather I don't want to... Please forgive me for atleast the coming 52 Mondays... let's see if I can do it on the 53rd.
Lucky Non-Smokers, please stay away even from trying it.
Smokers who wish to quit, continue the never ending effort, even if unsuccessful for a million times... here is a link which can help you or even confuse you...
Too good ra... now u shud write more... u are writing real good... am amazed with the vocabulary tho...
Indeed...well said...
I m literally against ur stupid philosophy and fu****g reasons to continue smoking... As u also said, u googled in search of Tips to quit smoking.. how cud u rely on the mentioned silly points and finally decided to stick to ur habit.Remember one thing Bhanu, as u might heard this several times from several other sources.. Ur Smoking is injurious to our health too... So.. Nee gurinchi kakapoina.. ne frenz.. family gurichaina smoking quit chey.. e chetha analysis , e chetha philosophy konchem marchi move towards laying proper foundation for a smoke(r)less society. And.. Moreover the features/the pros u mentioned as advantages of smoking can also be obtained from other sources.. which are not as danger as Smoking!!! By this comment I don't mean to strangle ur startling skills of presentation.. Indeed just to make u understand that I love U as non smoking Bhanu! Take Care..
Lame reasons to quit smoking.. but good write..
@Aakasa... i don't respond to anonymous mails or comments. so plz comment with an identity and i have an answer for every question u put here...thanx :-)
evadu ra eee akasha ramanna.............
i went to hospital for general check up 4,5 times,every time doctors asked me "do you smoke,u have little bit probs like every smoker has,he said to me.but u know ,i never friends i got it.....try to stop it,not only for u,for ur family also.any way we got good blogger.all the best
Mr.Uday Bhanu Avirineni. I didn't pose any questions to expect answers from u.. dose are jus my "comments".. "heartfelt comments".. Need nt struggle urself to repli bak... jus consider them.. enuf!!!
and here is my identity..
Arun Tej @ Sun Network dot in...
One of the best blogposts I have read in recent times!..:)..Awesome stuff Bhanu...I echo your views on smoking!..:)..World would be a better place if people didn't think so much about all the ills attached to nicotine!..And it's perfect with a pint of beer! *burp*..:)
hmmm... i successfully quit so ur arguement doesnt make sense to me...
but i strongly feel u will quit within a month... now that u hav preached about not quitting :)
nice one bhanu... liked it... i am also in the same situation as you are...
Dude! Very impressive blogs and thoughts!!! My respect has gone up a notch ;)
BTW my take on smoking is everyone's gonna die anyways so enjoy doing whatever you do!!! Only exception dont smoke when someone in the immediate vicinity doesnt like it or in a closed room used by other non smokers!!! So enjoy smoking responsibly
And most important "Smoking makes you look really cool!" :)
As they say,,,Results can never outnumber excuses
My god enti inta philosophy???? e chettu kinda kurchunnavu??
Hi sir,
i don't want to repeat all that again..
so, something in our language... :)
Sir, naa brand gold flake lights :)
manam manam okati ...
Bhanu Sir ... don't quit drinking. please ....
The idea that one has come to accept their fallacies as a positive is preposterous. You couldnt quit. Is that it? Thats what the heroin addict said. That's what the suicidal teenager addicted to vicodin said. The mentioned examples might seem a lot more severe but smoking is no less dangerous. My friend, I pray that you come up with a blog post that is just as eloquent...about how you quit. It might even serve as motivation to some of the other commentators.
GOOD DUDE... I too take Resolutions on all occassions, on friday evenings bla bla bla for What...... I Always take a resolution " Not to think of quitting smoking". Take this resolution it works.
Our health teacher told us that "1 out of 3 people who start smoking will eventually die." The other two apparently became immortal.
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